Indoor Plants in Interior Design
Indoor Plants and Interior Styling
Indoor Plants in Interior Design

Looking at meaningless spaces that look dull and monotonous? Freshen them up with simple ways of adding indoor plants. Indoor plants enliven your space and add freshness to the surroundings. Each plant impacts your home's outlook and feel differently, enhancing your interior design in unique ways.

The Importance of Indoor Plants in Interior Design

The right indoor plant can add the perfect amount of intrigue, and their lifespan is much longer than that of fresh flowers. According to interior design styling tips, to add plants to your space, consider aspects like the color and styling of your house. Plants need coordination and should be grouped together naturally. Ultimately, location should be determined by how much light, humidity, and conditions the plant requires.

Discover more about our design services and how we incorporate plants into interior design.

Benefits of Indoor Plants

Plants can make a room look cozy and add value to an empty corner or missing space. They are one of the most overlooked yet critical aspects of interior design. A plant can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home while promoting a healthier living environment.

Learn more about the benefits of indoor plants on the American Society of Interior Designers.

Styling Tips for Indoor Plants

Plants or florals can emphasize your dining room table and bring focus to the center of your dining room. Rhythm is one of the most important principles of design, achieved through the repetition of patterns, textures, or colors. Plants can serve as that connecting item, creating a sense of rhythm in your space. You should have at least one plant or floral in every room.

Read more about our eco-friendly design blog for additional styling tips.

Popular Indoor Plants and Their Care

Here are some popular indoor plants and how to care for them:

  1. Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree (Ficus Lyrata)

Needs as much sun as possible. Water once a week or more if it's winter and the air is dry.

  1. Split-Leaf Philodendron (Monstera Deliciosa)

Distinctive leaf design. Water once a week.

  1. Meyer Lemon Tree (Citrus X Meyeri)

Needs lots of sun. Water weekly.

  1. Kentia Palm (Howea Forsteriana)

Can grow up to 10 feet. Requires medium to bright light; water weekly.

  1. Castiron Plant (Aspidistra Elatior)

Tolerant of neglect. Water once a week or every ten days.

  1. Amazon Lily (Eucharis Amazonica)

Thrives in medium light. Water once a week.

  1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

Let the soil dry completely between watering.

  1. Winterbourn (Philodendron Xanadu)

Prefers bright, indirect sunlight. Water when soil is dry.

  1. Mistletoe Cactus (Rhipsalis)

Survives in low light. Water weekly.

  1. Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans massangeana)

Needs filtered sunlight. Water every 7-10 days.

Hi, I'm Tonya!

I'm a Eco Friendly Interior Designer. Creating beautiful sustainable spaces with the earth & your health in mind.


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